What is Discipleship?
A disciple is a learner. It speaks of a teacher-student relationship.
True discipleship is outlined is outlined in Luke 9:23, "...If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." This biblical commitment to discipleship involves at least the following five actions:
1. Desire (If any man)
2. Decision (will come after me)
3. Denial (let him deny himself)

5. Determination (and follow me)
Here at Faith Baptist, we are committed to taking interested people and purposefully guiding them through a systematic study of the basic foundations of the faith. If you are interested in being discipled, please click on the link at the bottom of the page and fill out the attached form.
The Goals of Discipleship
- To establish the disciple in the Word of God
- To establish the disciple in Fellowship with God's people.
- To establish the disciple in Ministry
Eighteen Doctrinal Topics of Study include
1. The Word of God
2. Salvation
3. Eternal Security
4. Baptism
5. Prayer
6. Dealing with Sin
7. The Will of God
8. The Holy Spirit
9. The Local Church
10. Giving
11. Liberty in Christ
12. Employers and Employees
13. Christians in the World
14. The Judgement Seat of Christ
15. The Lord's Supper
16. Evangelism and Missions
17. Discipleship
18. Bible Prophecy